Health And Safety

There are the following health and safety terms and conditions relating to residential tenancies:

Electrical Safety:

The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994 state that the supply of electrical equipment must be safe, ensuring that there is no risk of either injury or death to humans and/or pets, or risk of damage to property.

The Regulations cover all mains voltage household electrical goods, including cookers, kettles, toasters, heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, etc, but do not include any fixed electrical wiring or built-in appliances such as central heating.

It is important when dealing with electrical safety in the property that Landlords adhere to the following guidelines:

Gas Safety:

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 provide the requirements for the safe installation and maintenance of gas appliances, fittings, flues, metres, pipe-work, etc.

It is important when dealing with gas safety in the property that Landlords adhere to the following guidelines:

Fire Safety:

The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (amended 1989 and 1993) provide for levels of fire resistance for domestic upholstered furniture, furnishings and other products containing upholstery, including the measures to be taken to improve the fire safety of materials.

The Regulations provide for the following in relation to fire safety:

The Regulations apply to the following furnishings:

Fire resistant furniture carries a symbol that confirms that it is fire resistant.

The Regulations do not apply to the following furnishings:

Where smoking in the property is permitted, Landlords must ensure that there are sufficient smoke alarms in all areas where smoking is permitted.

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