The Asssured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement

Tenancy Agreements:

An Assured Shorthold Tenancy, also referred to as an AST Agreement, is a contract between the Landlord and the Tenant containing the terms and conditions of their rental agreement.

There are various types of tenancy agreements over and above the AST Agreement, such as the Assured Tenancy Agreement and the Regulated or Protected Tenancy Agreement. However the AST Agreement is the most commonly used tenancy agreement in England and Wales.

For more information on the different types of tenancies, see Residential Tenancy Law.

Although a tenancy agreement may be a verbal agreement between the Landlord and the Tenant, it is best to record the terms of this agreement in writing. Otherwise, should a dispute arise in cases where only a verbal agreement is in place, it will be difficult to prove what the actual terms of the agreement are and can therefore be highly risky.

Agreement Content Details:

An AST Agreement should contain the following details:
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